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Limited Time Nuna RAVA Event — Starting at $620

Lowest Price Guarantee

Why shop anywhere else? Snuggle Bugz will beat or match our Canadian competitors on new regular and sale priced items! 
To be eligible for our lowest price guarantee, please ensure that the following conditions are true: 
  • The item you would like to price match is the same as the one carried by Snuggle Bugz. We cannot price match against “similar” products or variants (i.e. colour, size, etc).
  • The item is in-stock with both Snuggle Bugz and the competitor. We cannot price match against out of stock or “rain check” items. 
  • The item’s price at the competitor can be independently verified by Snuggle Bugz staff via the retailer’s website, public flyer, or similar. We cannot price match against screenshots, personal emails, private discount coupons, third party websites or other channels where the item’s price is not publicly available. 
  • The competitor is a valid Canadian retailer. We cannot price match against independent or private sellers, including Kijiji, third-party Amazon retailers, Walmart retailers, Best Buy, Mom’s groups, etc. 
  • The competitor’s price is in Canadian dollars and includes shipping and taxes. For example, if the product is only available online, the retailer’s shipping cost (if applicable) is included in the overall price being matched. 
  • The competitor’s price is in the same channel. For example, if an item is 15% off online and 25% off in-store, the item will be price matched only via the same channel. 
If the item is currently being sold at regular (i.e. non-sale) price, Snuggle Bugz will beat the competitor’s price by 10% of the difference. If the item is currently on sale, Snuggle Bugz will match the retailer’s price. 
Example: You notice that a regularly-priced high chair being offered at a competitor is $20 less than the same high chair at Snuggle Bugz. Snuggle Bugz will offer you a $22 discount - $20 + 10% of the difference ($2). 

Price Adjustment

What happens if I just bought something and then it goes on sale? 
Snuggle Bugz will price adjust any item purchased within the last 14 days and refund the difference in the original form of payment or Snuggle Bugz gift card, at the original store in which it was purchased or online, if an online order. Minimum amount for price adjustment is $5. Price adjustments cannot be made multiple times on the same product within the 14 days.


Please note that Snuggle Bugz is unable to price match or price adjust on liquidation/bankruptcy sales or gift cards or blackout periods for major promotional events, including: 
  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Boxing Week
  • Friends & Family Sales 
  • Anniversary Sales
  • Birthday Sales
  • Flash Sales
  • VIP Events
  • Gear Events
  • Gift with Purchase Promotions 
Snuggle Bugz reserves the right to refuse, limit or adjust our lowest price guarantee (price match) at our sole discretion.

Pricing, Typographical or Illustrative Pricing Errors

Although great care is taken in the production of Snuggle Bugz communications, marketing, and the website, typographical, illustrative or pricing errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct errors at any time.

All prices quoted are payable in Canadian Dollars and, unless otherwise stated, do not include shipping charges, GST, PST, QST or HST.

Snuggle Bugz reserves the right to refuse, limit or adjust pricing at our sole discretion.